Idealease Pre Trip and Post Trip Inspections
The following videos outline the proper daily inspection procedures for straight trucks and tractor trailers.
Remember, we rely on you to communicate the condition of your vehicle on a daily basis. The pre and post trip inspections as well as the daily Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR) are the best tools for communication in order to provide us with the required vehicle status information. As a professional driver of a Commercial Motor Vehicle, it is your responsibility to make sure your vehicle is in safe operating condition, and these inspections are not only required, but are vital to your safety and the safety of the general public.
Please review and share with others that can benefit from learning how to perform both pre and post-trip inspections, as well as completing the Daily Vehicle Inspection Form. Remember, these 3 tasks are not only vital to fleet safety and compliance, but are required by law.
Idealease Pre/Post Trip Inspection - Tractor Trailer (English)
Idealease Pre/Post Trip Inspection - Straight Truck (English)
Idealease Pre/Post Trip Inspection - Straight Truck (Spanish)
Idealease Pre/Post Trip Inspection - Tractor Trailer (Spanish)
We hope you find these videos helpful and we thank you for your dedication to keeping your trucks, drivers and roadways safe. McCandless Idealease is committed to providing our customers with vehicles that operate with the highest level of uptime and safety each and every day.
Please reach out to your McCandless Idealease representative at (303) 365-5347 or (702) 642-8898 if you have any questions or need more assistance with these important items.