Idealease Full Service Equity Lease (FSEL)
Do You Own Your Fleet but Need the Predictability and Convenience of Full Service Lease Support? Our locations in Colorado and Nevada have you covered!
Our Full Service Equity Lease is a great option if you need to own your own commercial trucks due to tax reasons or truck application.
Retain vehicle ownership and benefit from IRS accelerated tax depreciation rules in the U.S., while enjoying fixed monthly maintenance costs, preventive maintenance support and priority service.
Interested in learning more?
Contact our McCandless Idealease leasing experts at (303) 365-5347.
Ownership to Lease Transition
How can you unlock the equity that's tied up in your truck fleet?
The McCandless Idealease team are experts at helping you unlock the cash that is tied up in your truck fleet. Our Ownership Transition program will display the true cost of truck ownership with facts that put you in the driver's seat to make a better long-term financial decision for your business.
Align your fleet expenses with the cash flows produced by your trucks! We can create a buyout/lease back program to help you transition from truck ownership to leasing.
Find out if Ownership Transition is right for you.
Contact McCandless Idealease at (303) 365-5347 today for a fleet assessment and to review your options to get the right Idealease product to match your requirements.