Clean Rental Trucks available

Idealease Rental Truck Cleaning

McCandless Idealease takes pride in ensuring that your rental truck is clean and ready for use. Your safety matters.

We take extra measures to ensure we do our part to keep your drivers and customers safe.

At McCandless Idealease, we've enhanced the techniques used to clean our rental vehicles after each use. Interior and Exterior touchpoints will be cleaned and ready, including:

  • Door handles and latchesIdealease box truck image.
  • Steering wheel.
  • Gearshift.
  • Seatbelt Buckle.
  • Window and mirror controls.
  • Seats.
  • All interior hard surfaces.
Idealease Truck Rental Safety

These protective measures have been implemented with everyone's well-being in mind.

We thank you for your business and  continue to provide you with the same excellent service you've come to expect.

Have a question? We're happy to help! Give us a call at (303) 365-5347 if there is anything we can do to better serve you.

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