Discover the newest Idealease Safety Bulletin and master the art of safely navigating your vehicle through stormy weather. Don't miss out - subscribe now to receive all upcoming bulletins!

In this issue:

  • Safe Driving Tips for Springtime Weather Conditions
  • May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
  • CVSA Schedules Operation Safe Driver Week for July 7-13
  • CVSA’s International Roadcheck Is Scheduled for May 14-16
  • Registration Now Open for the 2024 Idealease/NPTC Safety Seminars!

Remember to be extra cautious during spring storms and flooding, as the road conditions can change rapidly. Surprisingly, more people lose their lives to flooding every year than to any other type of storm. This is mainly because people tend to underestimate the power of water. Sadly, over half of the people who die in floods are inside vehicles, and many of them end up getting swept away. It's tragic because a lot of these deaths could be prevented if people didn't drive around barriers that warn of flooded roads. Even big trucks can get carried away by the water's strong current. Stay updated on weather conditions and flooding by visiting the National Weather Service website at:

Whether you're driving or walking, if you come across a flooded road, remember to Turn Around Don't Drown. You can't tell how deep the water is or what condition the road is in underneath. Here are some important guidelines to follow:

  • If flooding occurs, seek higher ground. Avoid areas subject to flooding, including dips, low spots, canyons, and washes.
  • Avoid areas already flooded, especially if the water is flowing fast. Never attempt to cross flowing streams.
  • Roadbeds may be washed out under floodwaters. Never drive through flooded roadways. If your vehicle is suddenly caught in rising water, leave it immediately and seek higher ground.
  • Don't park your vehicle along streams and washes, particularly during threatening conditions.
  • Be especially cautious at night when it's harder to recognize flood dangers.
  • Avoid low water crossings.
  • Use alternate routes to avoid flood-prone areas.
  • Leave your vehicle immediately if it stalls in floodwaters.
  • Move to higher ground if you can do so safely.
  • Most cars and light trucks will begin to float in as little as 1 to 2 feet of water.

Safe Driving Tips for Springtime Weather Conditions


  • Avoid driving during tornado conditions
  • If caught in a car during a tornado, find a ditch or low-lying area away from the vehicle and lie down
  • Seek shelter in a nearby building if possible
  • Avoid flooded areas and be cautious of potential flooding near overpasses

Severe Thunderstorms and Lightning:

  • Listen to the radio for updates on approaching storms
  • Do not try to outrun a tornado
  • Turn on headlights, slow down, and allow extra distance for braking in severe weather
  • Pull over safely away from trees and stay in the car with emergency flashers on during heavy rains
  • Avoid flooded roads and downed power lines
  • Approach intersections with caution and treat traffic lights as stop signs

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

motorcycle awareness

This month focuses on promoting awareness and safety for motorcyclists. It's a crucial reminder to all motorists that they share the road with motorcycles.

Here's why it's important:

  • Visibility is Key: Many motorcycle crashes involve another vehicle simply not seeing the motorcycle.
  • Different Needs, Same Road: Motorcyclists and car drivers navigate situations differently. What might be a minor bump for a car could be dangerous for a motorcycle.

By sharing the road and staying alert, we can all keep motorcyclists safe this season.

CVSA Schedules Operation Safe Driver Week for July 7-13

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance has scheduled Operation Safe Driver Week from July 7-13, 2024. This program aims to promote safe driving among both regular car drivers and commercial truck drivers through education, enforcement, and interactions with law enforcement. This year, the focus will be on making sure trucks have the right safety equipment and preventing drunk or drugged driving.

CVSA’s International Roadcheck Is Scheduled for May 14-16

CVSA's International Roadcheck is a three-day initiative for inspecting commercial motor vehicles and enforcing regulatory compliance across North America. This year's focus is on tractor protection systems and alcohol and controlled substance possession. The collected data will be analyzed, and results are expected this summer.

Inspectors will perform detailed North American Standard Level I Inspections, consisting of a meticulous 37-step examination of vehicle components and driver documentation and requirements over the three-day event.

For further details on Roadcheck 2024, you can visit

driving safety

Registration Now Open for the 2024 Idealease/NPTC Safety Seminars!

Driving Safety in 2024

Idealease and the National Private Truck Council (NPTC) are excited to announce the opening of registration for the 2024 Safety Seminars. These one-day seminars will focus on crucial topics such as safety data analysis, basic safety and compliance, regulation changes, and CSA.

Who Can Attend: These seminars are open to all Idealease customers, potential customers, and NPTC members, and are provided at no charge.

Seminar Highlights:

  • Gain insights into safety practices and compliance regulations.
  • Learn about the latest advancements in safety technology.
  • Understand CSA (Compliance, Safety, Accountability) and its impact on your operations.

Why Attend: Whether you're a novice or an experienced transportation professional, these seminars offer valuable information to enhance your safety practices.

Registration Details: Seminars are currently available for registration, with venues secured for the following locations:

Spring 2024

  • 4/10/24: Sun Prairie, WI
  • 4/18/24: Frankfort, KY
  • 5/9/24: Tampa, FL
  • 5/21/24: Portland, OR
  • 5/23/24: Santa Rosa, CA

Fall 2024

  • 10/1/24: Eugene, OR
  • 10/3/24: San Leandro, CA
  • 10/9/24: Baltimore, MD
  • 10/17/24: Nashville, TN
  • 10/28/24: Stockton, CA

Note: If you don't see a seminar in your area listed yet, don't worry. Registration availability will be updated weekly as venues are secured. Keep an eye on this bulletin for the latest updates. To register for an upcoming seminar in 2024, click on the following link: Safety Seminar Registration. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your safety knowledge and practices in 2024. Register today!

*The Idealease Safety Bulletin is provided for Idealease locations and their customers and is not to be construed as a complete or exhaustive source of compliance or safety information. The Idealease Safety Bulletin is advisory in nature and does not warrant, guarantee, or otherwise certify compliance with laws, regulations, requirements, or guidelines of any local, state, or Federal agency and/or governing body, or industry standards.