#Idealease Safety Bulletin - July 4th Holiday

Jul. 2 2021 Miscellaneous By McCandless Idealease

This week's Idealease Safety Bulletin provides important reminders around the upcoming 4th of July Holiday! 

Please Note: Due to the holiday, the next Idealease Safety bulletin will be on July 16th.

Read the entire bulletin below, on idealease.com, or access a PDF version to read, print and/or distribute to your team. Remember to sign up to receive the newest bulletins each week to your email inbox! 

Want to review past bulletins? Click here to access the full archive 

While it's a great time to show American pride and enjoy family, friends and fireworks, the 4th of July is notoriously of the more dangerous times on the road.  With 'shelter in place' restrictions lifting, people are ready to get out and celebrate. 

Remind drivers to be on high alert while operating their CMVs as well as to practice their Smith5keys of defensive driving:

1. Aim High in Steering
Look 15 seconds into your future. (Do not just look at the vehicle in front of you)

2. Get the Big Picture
Look for Hazards. (Other Motorists, Pedestrians, Vehicle doors opening)

3. Keep Your Eyes Moving
Do not stare. (Use your peripheral vision) (Stop the fixed habit stare)

4. Leave Yourself an Out
Monitor the space cushion around you and your bike.

5. Make sure They See You
Use your signals- (Directionals, 4-Way Flashers, Head Lights, Brake Lights, Horn, Hand Signals) Make Eye Contact.


Learn more about the NHTSA's campaign: https://www.nhtsa.gov/campaign/drive-sober

If you are headed to 4th of July parties, designate a sober driver before heading out for the evening. If you are hosting a party, offer nonalcoholic drinks for designated sober drivers and monitor who is drinking. See people leaving who have been drinking? Check how they are getting home. Offer to let them stay the night if a sober driver is not available to take them home. Driving with just a buzz does not cut it.  With the rise in ride-share options, there really is no excuse for driving impaired.

The average cost of a DUI arrest is approximately $13,500, accounting for vehicle impound fees, fines, attorney fees, auto insurance hikes and other penalties. Also, prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and marijuana can all be impairing and land you a DUI, especially in combination with alcohol and/or other drugs.


Thieves know that holiday weekends pose opportunities for theft due to lack of personnel at facilities. Take extra precaution to secure trucks and items at your facility. 

Here are a few tips:

1.  If your units do not have anti-siphon devices or locking caps, instruct the drivers not to fill the units at the end of the day. 

2. Make sure that all security alarms and cameras are in working order. 

3. Walk the perimeter of the lot to make sure that security fencing is in good condition. 

4. Move units and all other material such as pallets, tires, etc. far enough away from the fence so they cannot be used to climb on to get over the fence. 

5. Review your security lighting to make sure it is operational and adequate.  Lighting can be obstructed by vehicles or trees allowing a thief a place to be unseen. 

6. Consider blocking the entrance and exits to the lot so units cannot be stolen. 

7. Assign management personnel to check the terminal randomly. 

8. Notify local law enforcement officials of your hours of operation so they know when to expect activity at your location.  


Trends for 2021 - Over the past 5 years, there have been a rise in theft incidents reported during the July 4th Holiday. Take a look at the below infographic for some statistics on the events reported. For more tips and information, please visit www.cargonet.com

Upcoming CVSA Event Information and Links: 

Operation Safe Driver Week - July 11-17, 2021

Brake Safety Week - August 22-28, 2021 AND Brake Safety Awareness Month